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Uploaded by Nghe on October 9th, 2019 in Twink

Comments (5)

Sporich - 23 April 21:10

It's really unfortunate that as an asexual, hearing people verbalize about tardily bloomers just makes me think of all the people who assay inadditionto invalidate asexuality by insisting or reassuring ace people they're just belatedly bloomers

Providencia - 13 March 02:21

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Schaberg - 8 June 20:26


Dave - 7 February 08:04

Basically, your encephalon predicts what should be the outcome of whatsoever movements you do. So you cannot accurate experience what you are feeling, because your encephalon is telling you what you should be feeling, whether or non you really experience it. If someone else touches you, you wont hold the same predictions too you testament experience things differently.

Sheldon - 9 June 17:09

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